S.N.A.P. is a Community Policing effort to gather information to identify and assist those citizens that have special needs in a time of emergency. The program utilizes information gathered from a S.N.A.P. form, which is filed out by the resident on a voluntary basis. This information is then given to 911 Dispatch to be entered into their system. The S.N.A.P. information , when logged into the Carroll County 911’s system, would the show up on the computer monitor during the 911 call from a resident. This will allow Dispatch to advise all responding agencies that this residence may contain a Special needs Person such as nonambulatory, wheelchairbound or bedridden person, hearing impaired, blind, etc. It will also provide a secondary contact person for the residence.
The S.N.A.P. information provided by Dispatch to the First Responders could be a vital part in everyone’s number one goal, which is saving lives by serving and protecting.