Captain Shannon Cantrell
Location: 115 West Center Street
Phone: (770) 834-4451
Fax: (770) 836-4235
Email: scantrell@carrollton-ga.gov
It is the responsibility of the Criminal Investigative Services Division to investigate incidents within its jurisdiction and to determine whether a crime has been committed. This Division collects and organizes facts and evidence that lead to the identification, apprehension, and successful prosecution of the offender. The Criminal Investigative Services Division is comprised of four law enforcement units: General Investigations, Domestic Violence, Identification/Evidence, and the Drug Suppression Unit.
One Investigator is assigned to the West Metro Regional Drug Enforcement Office, which is a multijurisdictional unit commanded by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation with enforcement powers throughout the Coweta Judicial Circuit. Two (2) civilian units, the Records Unit and Crime Analysis Units, are also under the command of Captain Cantrell. Captain Shannon Cantrell is the Captain of the Criminal Investigative Services Division.
He began his law enforcement career with the Bremen Police Department in September of 1992. In 1993, he was employed with the Haralson County Sheriff’s Office as a Deputy until December 1995, when he came to the Carrollton Police Department. He worked in the patrol division and traffic unit. In 1998, he was promoted to the rank of Corporal and assigned to the K9 unit. In 2001, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the Patrol Division, where he served until January of 2006, when he was transferred to the Criminal Investigations Division. In October of 2014, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the Criminal Investigations Division and then promoted to the rank of Captain in the Criminal Investigations Division in December of 2015. He has served as Commander of the Special Response Team. He has also been certified as an Accident Reconstructionist, Crime Scene Technician and Police Counter-Sniper. He is a member of Georgia Fire Investigators Association and received a Medal of Valor in 2003.
The following divisions are managed by the Captain of Investigations:
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