The automobiles can be viewed between the hours of 10:00AM – 3:00PM, Monday – Friday, starting 06/10/2024 –
06/13/2024 at the Carrollton Police Department. A CPD bid sheet must be filled out and submitted for your bid to be
considered and must be submitted by 06/13/2024 at 4:00pm.
A separate bid is required for each vehicle and each bid must clearly indicate which vehicle the bid is for. Bids must be
submitted in a sealed envelope marked “sealed bid” on or before the deadline to Carrollton Police Department by mail or
hand delivery. Payments are to be in cash, cashier’s check or money order. No personal checks will be accepted.
The automobiles are being sold “as is” and the winning bidder will accept the item “as is.” Carrollton Police Department
has not serviced nor maintained the automobiles; therefore, any defects the items may have are not known to the
Carrollton Police Department.
Bids will be opened at 11:00 AM on 06/14/2024 at Carrollton Police Department in the Municipal Courtroom. If a
successful bidder is approved, such bidder will be notified within (2) business days.
Carrollton Police Department maintains the right to refuse any bid(s) at the discretion of the chief or his designee.
For further inquiries, contact: Chief Joel Richards, 770-834-4451 /